Well, I can only read this stuff in small snippets.
If you are not eating anything right now, and you have a strong heart, go read the article about sheep.
I thought that surely Knitters would know about this, and DO something. I've seen what can happen when Knitters set their minds to it and take action. Well, I was horrified to read about Merino Wool (mostly from Australia, New Zealand, and some other places--read labels, check sources) ABUSE. I'm more surprised to find that many Knitters I've written to don't even respond. What's UP with THAT? Either people don't know, or they don't care. I HAVE to believe that they care, and they just don't know. We'll see. This shows the real story: photos of innocent sheep . And, sorry I had to be the one to inform you, but it's "got" to stop! If you agree, here is info on how everyone can help: What We Can Do.
Just a little over a year ago, there were no knitters in our house. Now, there are two Knitters (DD and me), and one little knitter (youngest DD). When we found out the real story about Merino, it made us SICK.
Our stash is shamefully (wonderfully) LARGE, with three of us always finding more wool. You can imagine! BUT. We check what we are buying before we buy. (You should, too.)
If you are brave, and if you really care, read up and let me know what you think! Help spread the word.